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We conducted acoustical surveys with a horizontal beam transducer to detect fish and with a vertical beam transducer to detect depth and macrophytes in two typical shallow lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River in November 2013. Both lakes are subject to active fish management with annual stocking and removal of large fish. The purpose of the study was to compare hydroacoustic horizontal beam estimates with fish landings. The preliminary results show that the fish distribution patterns dif fered in the two lakes and were af fected by water depth and macrophyte coverage. The hydroacoustically estimated fish biomass matched the commercial catch very well in Niushan Lake, but it was two times higher in Kuilei Lake. However, acoustic estimates included all fish, whereas the catch included only fish 45 cm(smaller ones were released). We were unable to determine the proper regression between acoustic target strength and fish length for the dominant fish species in the two lakes.  相似文献   
This paper studies the average fidelity of teleportation and thermal entanglement for a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ chain in the presence of both an inhomogeneous magnetic field and a Dzyaloshinski--Moriya interaction. It shows that for a fixed Dz, the increase of bz will broaden the critical temperature at the cost of decreasing the thermal entanglement. And it can modulate the inhomogeneous magnetic field and the Dzyaloshinski--Moriya interaction for the average fidelity of teleportation to be optimal.  相似文献   
病毒是非常微小的简单生物, 不能独立生存, 必须借助宿主细胞完成自身的繁衍。病毒侵染进入细胞后, 通常借助于微管通过黏稠的细胞质运动到特定的复制位点。然而, 有关病毒依赖微管运动行为的精细动态研究还比较少。石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus, SGIV)为虹彩病毒科蛙病毒属的一个新种, 是海水养殖鱼类的重要病毒性病原, 对海水养殖业造成重大经济损失。利用单粒子示踪技术实时追踪了SGIV病毒粒子沿微管运动的行为, 观察到SGIV在细胞边缘至微管中心之间的双向运动, 最高瞬时速度约0.2μm·s-1, 均表现为主动运输。病毒粒子运动至微管交叉位置会减速迂回, 而后或受限于此, 平均运动速率约0.008μm·s-1, 或通过交叉处继续快速运动, 最高瞬时速度为0.2μm·s-1。同时, SGIV感染会影响微管的形态结构, 随着SGIV感染, 微管逐渐围绕细胞核和病毒加工厂形成环状结构。研究结果初步揭示了SGIV病毒和细胞微管之间相互作用的复杂过程, 丰富了我们对虹彩病毒胞内生命活动的认识, 有助于深入地理解海水鱼类虹彩病毒感染致病机理。  相似文献   
Rapid economic developments in East Asian countries have inevitably resulted in environmental degradation in the surrounding seas, and concern for both the environment and protection from pollutants is increasing. Identification of sources of contaminants is essential to environmental pollution management. In this study, the provenance of anthropogenic lead (Pb), a major pollutant of Yellow Sea sediments, was determined for river mouth sediments, including those of the Changjiang, Huanghe, Han, and Geum Rivers, and for age-determined shelf core sediments through the measurement of Pb isotope ratios in the HCl-leached fraction using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC ICP/MS). Anthropogenic Pb has accumulated in shelf core sediments since 1910, and its isotope ratios were estimated as 0.863–0.866 and 2.119–2.125 for 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, respectively, from the mixing relationships of the two endmembers. River mouth sediments exhibited enough distinction in anthropogenic Pb isotope ratios to be discriminated: 0.874 (2.144) in the Huanghe, 0.856 (2.129) in the Han, 0.857 (2.122) in the Geum, and 0.854 (2.101) in the Changjiang for 207Pb/206Pb (208Pb/206Pb), respectively. Although isotope ratios of geogenic Pb in sediments dating before 1910 showed narrow ranges (0.842–0.845 and 2.088–2.100 for 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, respectively), distinct isotope ratios in each core permitted source identification of sediments in the Yellow Sea based on geographic locations and the geogenic Pb of each river. By comparing the isotope ratios of the estimated anthropogenic Pb to source-related materials, the provenances of anthropogenic Pb in Chinese river sediments were presumed to be Chinese coal or ore, which is also a major source of atmospheric particulate Pb. The anthropogenic Pb in the shelf core sediments in the northern Yellow Sea originated from northern Chinese cities such as Beijing and Tianjin through atmospheric pathways. Pb isotope ratios indicated that Pb in Korean river sediments was characteristic of local Korean ores.  相似文献   
摄食水平和性别对稀有鮈鲫生长和能量收支的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于1995年10月采集本所自繁有ju鲫(约1.03g/ind),在30℃水温下进行摄食-生长实验,研究了从饥饿到饱食5个摄食水平对不同性别稀有ju鲫的生长和能量收支的影响,结果表明,鱼体干物和能量含量不受摄食率和性别的影响,随着摄食率的增加,雌鱼的湿重,干重和能量特定生长率均呈双对数增加,雄鱼湿重特定生长率呈双对数增加,而干物质和能量特定生长率呈指增加,雄鱼生长速度及摄食率低于雌鱼,随着摄食率的增加,食物能损失于粪便中的比例均呈上升趋势,损失于排泄物中的比例变化不大,呈下降趋势,用于代谢的比例呈下降趋势,用于生长的比例呈上升趋势,除饥饿组外,在各个摄食水平,雌鱼食物能用于代谢的比例较雄鱼低,而用于生长的比例较雄鱼高。  相似文献   
研究目的】查明防城港地区浅层偏酸性地下水时空分布、成因及环境影响。【研究方法】于2013—2015年间进行了浅层地下水pH值现场测试,枯水期214组,丰水期168组;讨论了其时空分布特征、成因和生态影响。【研究结果】结果表明,丰水期和枯水期偏酸性(pH <6.5)地下水样分别占79.3%和64.3%,pH值总体上丰水期低于枯水期。地下水pH值在低山区(均在5≤pH<5.5范围,平均值5.18,n=4)<丘陵区(大多数5≤pH<6.5,平均值5.18,n=202)<平原区(大多数6.5≤pH<8.5,平均值6.77,n=8)。【结论】偏酸性地下水成因主要与偏酸性大气降水有关,其次与酸性的包气带介质及硫化物矿物的氧化有关。偏酸性大气降水入渗补给是丰水期pH值低于枯水期的主要原因。相比较而言,潮汐作用使得江平地区地下水pH值升高。偏酸性地下水影响饮水安全(研究区枯水期仅20.6%的样品pH值符合生活饮用水标准),促进某些有害组分的释放,腐蚀地下管网和建筑桩基等设施。偏酸性地下水向地表水排泄亦可对地表水环境和地表生态系统产生影响。本研究有助于研究区水资源管理。创新点:本研究利用地质调查项目数据优势,系统阐述了防城港地区浅层偏酸性地下水时空分布特征;偏酸性地下水的成因与偏酸性大气降水、酸性包气带介质和硫化物矿物氧化有关;偏酸性地下水对人类健康、地下设施和生态环境具有潜在影响。  相似文献   
以琼东南盆地为研究对象,在地震资料构造解释的基础上,选取琼东南盆地6条典型剖面,采用面积守恒法对其进行平衡剖面的恢复,计算出各个剖面在不同时期的拉张量以及拉张率,以此为基础对琼东南盆地的构造演化过程及区域性差异进行了定性以及定量分析。研究表明,在琼东南盆地中部位置,水平拉张率显著减小并较为稳定,表明盆地内部的打开是均匀的;琼东南盆地新生代的构造演化分为四个阶段,65~33.9 Ma: 盆地伸展活动开始;33.9~23 Ma: 盆地伸展活动增强并达到顶峰;23~10.5 Ma: 伸展活动明显减弱,发育了少量继承性断层;10.5~0 Ma: 平静沉积,基本没有断裂活动。琼东南盆地东西段构造样式存在明显差异,盆地西部断裂数量较少,单一断层断距大,有利于油气从烃源岩向内部储层运移填充,上部形成良好的盖层,防止油气的逃逸;盆地东段地堑内部发育较多断裂,断裂期次多、组合复杂,沉积盖层厚度薄,不利于油气的保存。基底性质和先存断裂影响着琼东南盆地东、西部的构造演化。  相似文献   
东南亚地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(以下简称“海洋丝路”)的重要组成部分,该区历史上曾发生十余次巨大地震,地震及其次生地质灾害是威胁东南亚地区经济社会发展和国际合作的主要自然灾害。系统梳理该区地震活动的时空分布特征及评估未来灾害风险格局,对于推进“一带一路”倡议实施及区域经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。文章基于东南亚地区1900年以来M≥5地震的时空分布统计分析和地震b值计算,揭示出该区的地震活动在时间上表现出活跃期与平静期交替变化的特征;空间上表现出明显的聚集效应,成丛性强且主要集中在5个地震统计区内,其中印尼—马来多岛弧盆系地震区和菲律宾群岛地震区的地震活动最为活跃。总体而言,东南亚5个地震区的b值偏低,在0.42~0.91之间。该区内的地震b值也存在时空差异,受大地震事件、俯冲带年龄、活动断裂带和震源深度等众多因素影响,但主控因素在不同区域有所不同。地震b值时空变化特征对区域地震活动预测具有启示作用。上述认识为推进“海洋丝路”工程建设和“一带一路”防灾减灾对策提供了科学支撑。  相似文献   
A Hierarchical Parallel simulation framework for spatially-explicit Agent-Based Models (HPABM) is developed to enable computationally intensive agent-based models for the investigation of large-scale geospatial problems. HPABM allows for the utilization of high-performance and parallel computing resources to address computational challenges in agent-based models. Within HPABM, an agent-based model is decomposed into a set of sub-models that function as computational units for parallel computing. Each sub-model is comprised of a sub-set of agents and their spatially-explicit environments. Sub-models are aggregated into a group of super-models that represent computing tasks. HPABM based on the design of super- and sub-models leads to the loose coupling of agent-based models and underlying parallel computing architectures. The utility of HPABM in enabling the development of parallel agent-based models was examined in a case study. Results of computational experiments indicate that HPABM is scalable for developing large-scale agent-based models and, thus, demonstrates efficient support for enhancing the capability of agent-based modeling for large-scale geospatial simulation.  相似文献   
1989年3月特强磁暴期间的电离层暴   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
用欧亚大陆地面电离层垂测站资料考察1989年3月12~16日磁暴期间的电离层暴形态及其发展变化. 特强磁暴引发的电离层暴是全球性的,但自磁层沉降的高能粒子对热层低部的加热程度及区域分布不同,因而各经度链区域内电离层暴的特征也有所差异. 本文研究表明,与理论推断对照,欧洲地区内F2层最大电子密度NmaxF2(或f0F2)并不出现正暴现象,而负暴自高纬向低纬的发展则与典型的热层环流结果相符. 此外,此磁暴过程期间在中低纬区存在明显的波动过程. 在亚洲高纬地区,磁暴初期13日有约10 h的正暴,而负暴过程则与欧洲地区类似,但不太清晰;且无波动现象. 磁暴期间,同一经度链的中低纬地区,夜间常发生多站同时的h′F突增. 本文再次证实这是一般磁暴期间常出现的普遍现象.  相似文献   
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